
  To commemorate the death of Husayn ibn Ali (a grandson of Muhammad), some groups of Shia muslims take to the streets and whip themselves with specially designed chains with razors or knives attached. Other groups slit their heads open with knives. This tradition (called matam) is also practiced by children or forced on them by parents who do the cutting. While some Muslims frown upon the practice, many major Muslim leaders endorse it.

  Thousands of mourners slit open their heads with swords, big knives and razor blades streaming their blood to signify their grief over the martyrdom of Al-Imam Al-Hussein – the tragedy which caused the sky to rain blood and the earth to bleed – and thus paid rich homage to Al-Imam Al-Hussein who sacrificed everything in defending Islam which is today under obligation to him.

  There is a video about mournıng muharram..(If you are a sensitive person I do not recommend watching.)


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